Monday, November 16, 2009

Modern Day love

"They ask why are you single?"
and I reply, "people find love as a game and this is a game that I'm not willing to play."
In playing a game there is always a big chance you can loose.
So I ask the question, "Since when have the man and a woman become opponents in a strong emotion we call love?" A union that validates a beautiful union is now a game?
If so, I can wait because this is a Game That I am Not willing To Play. 
True Love awaits. 

Copyright © Journee Sky
All Rights Reserved 



  1. Thats something i dont understand about people of Earth they think almost everything is a game...I feel that love is a temporary permanent mood...A great oxymoron. In my opinion both hearts must be equal, true and realize that they both have controll of self and not each other.

  2. U reach a state where love is so deep u cover all things, what do i mean. I am the embodiment of love so I choose to express it freely and it is pure. Many dont reach this State of being male/female so it is not felt not obtained and not experienced. When ones mature here the Games are over just Bliss more Bliss true story, the God...King JustIZe
